Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Day in Southern Alabama!

The forecast called for snow today and I immediately thought it might be the kind that comes down and doesn't even stick to the ground and then turns to rain after about an hour.... not today! This stuff was real, honest to goodness snow! It stuck to the ground and continued most of the day. It started snowing in the morning, and we got an early bus back from the flight line, obviously not flying today. And so now I can say officially that I've had a snow day at least once in my life :) The snowfall continued until about 4:00 in the afternoon. There was plenty to play in and even build a snowman. I got pictures of the kids and me in the snow. But I got the snowman built too late in the day to get a good shot of it. I'll have to post that later.


Amy G. said...

fun! so glad that wasn't the forecast while we were there though :)

Melissa said...

Andy and Amy!!!!! It's Melissa (and Ty) Wooden - your long lost cousins. I didn't know you had a blog. And I didn't know you lived so close to us (well, closer than Phoenix). Send me your email and I'll "invite" you to our blog. Your family is beautiful! And I love love your sweet little baby. Congrats! We have to catch up! We could get together this summer sometime.... I think we're maybe only 6 hours away. I don't know. Where exactly are you?

Grampa said...

WOW! that is crazy but it was so fun to watch the video and hear You and Isaac talking. i miss you all! Love you! MOM